Understanding Neurodivergence: What is it and How Can it Help?

Neurodivergence is a term used to describe an individual whose brain works differently from what is considered “normal”. This includes people with autism, ADHD, Tourette syndrome, dyslexia, and a variety of other neurodiverse conditions. Neurodivergence is not a disability but a difference in how the brain works, and it can have many benefits. Professionals are no longer treating neurodivergence as a disease, but rather as different methods of learning and processing information.

The Neurodiversity Movement is a social justice movement that seeks civil rights, equality, respect and full social inclusion of neurodivergent people. It's worth noting that with the “and the topic” part, Different Brains may not be trying to say that everything on that list is considered neurodivergent, since many of them are common comorbidities and, therefore, can be quite relevant. Neurodivergence now refers to any structured and consistent way in which the brain works differently for a group of people than for most others. Special education is also progressing in this field, with approaches that focus on how people with diverse neurodivergent tendencies learn better.

For many adults, discovering that they have ADHD, autism, or another form of neurodivergence often helps explain things they didn't understand before about themselves. Acquired neurological conditions, such as traumatic brain injuries, strokes, and Alzheimer's disease, can also cause neurodivergence. If you want to diversify your social media feed with neurodivergent voices and advocates, some of the main options to follow are Neurodivergent Activist, Nurturing Neurodiversity, Paige Layle and The Chronic Couple. If you or a loved one has autism, find a local support group, therapist, or other mental health professional who can help you discuss some of the strengths of being neurodivergent.

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